The world is our Oyster

The world is our Oyster

I have never been rich but then what is the bench mark for riches. I have had little but I have been extravagant.

The older I get I do not need the fancy handbags, that's not to say that I don't appreciate quality. It is true you often get what you pay for.

I really do like to be creative when it comes to things for the home. When I am relaxing  its important to me that there is a certain ambience. My home is my Castle its the place that I can retreat to or just relax in. When I shut the door of an evening I will always light a candle. A sacred candle just for me. Its just something I like to do and makes me feel important. Reminds me that I must honour the sacred light I carry within and illuminate the shadows that I hide from the world.

Our journey with sacred candles started with vessels when I was in Spain. I would paint vessels for tea lights amongst other creative endeavours. My daughter Rio also a very creative soul asked for a candle making kit for her birthday and that was it we were both hooked. We never in a million years realised how much of a science candle making was and how much we would have to learn. Over time we began to get to know the wax and how it reacted to different situations like temperature, especially between winter and summer. It was terribly frustrating but at the same time we could not give up. We genuinely do make everything with love. From the music playing to the message of love we speak into our creations. The world is more fluid than we can even comprehend and intention matters a great deal. There is scientific proof that will back me up.

I used to light hundreds of tea lights in my garden of an evening. Someone asked me once "Why do you have to make everything so perfect?" My answer was "Why not?" They shrugged their shoulders but there was a definite understanding there. It is beautiful to make an effort it is only difficult if that's how we perceive it. In my heart I want to give myself or others a beautiful experience.

There can be much joy if we let the beauty guide us to create the beautiful. We still now have a love affair with each candle we make.

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