Where would the world be without candles

Where would the world be without candles

Candles have been a sacred source of light in different cultures all around the world. The Romans are said to have made the first candles but evidence suggests that the earliest candles were made in Egypt at around 3000BC and that were also being made by the Chinese and Japanese artisans. In India the fruit of the Cinnamon tree was boiled to make wax and in ancient Egypt rushes were used dipped in animal fat to create light for ceremonies and homes. The Greeks used candles on cakes depicting the moon as an honour to the birth of the Goddess Artemis, which is probably why we still put candles on birthday cakes now.

Candles have been used in sacred ceremonies all around the world. The sacred flame the symbol of life. The Jewish festival of light (Hanukkah) which began in 165BC and has included candles as part of the ceremony ever since.

Most ancient cultures used mostly plant based waxes. Here in the west we made candles from animal fat called tallow. Beeswax became the prominent ingredient for candles in Europe in the middle ages, which provided a much cleaner and less unpleasant smelling burn. Beeswax candles were too expensive for the working population and were mainly used by the church.

By the 13th century candle making had become a guild craft. Candle makers known as Chandlers travelled from house to house, peddling their wares and women would make their own using left over animal fat from cooking. The Chandlers were also responsible for making vinegar's and soaps. Streetlights were lit with tallow candles and the Tallow Chandlers company of London was awarded a coat of arms in 1456

The industrial revolution saw the manufacture of candles on mass due to a revolutionary new machine that could produce bigger batches in less time. Making candles more affordable for the working family to buy.

With technology moving forward and electricity,  candles are not the main focus of light in a home anymore but our love affair with candles has just grown exponentially and candle making is one of the fastest growing industries and in the UK alone the market share as of 2022 was said to £1.6 Billion.

I have always had a love affair with candles, its almost a primal memory etched into my soul. I love the garden lit up by candles on a summer night and always have a lovely smelling candle lit in my kitchen of an evening to banish the lingering smell of home cooked food. I genuinely think candles with their warm sacred glow brighten my soul and sometimes sit watching the flame dancing around in a meditation of sorts, giving me comfort and promoting my own well being.

It was a comment by my daughter about what she would like for a birthday gift that set us both on this beautiful yet sometimes difficult and frustrating path, learning to become Chandlers ourselves. I now understand why Chandlers became part of a guild because this is an art form and takes time and commitment to learn.

There are candles on the market for $975 dollars (Lladro's Parrot) and I guess we all buy what we can afford but I can honestly say a handmade candle is of a different class to those made on mass. The fragrance load is absolutely exquisite. I am guessing its like fine wine some are good and some are great.

Prettykarma candles are all made by hand with the best possible ingredients we could find. It is so important to us to give you something that will give you something back. Our candles are sacred and like water takes on whispered words then I guess so do candles. We have imbued each and everyone with love and taken time and effort to make them more than just a candle but a sacred light that will speak to your heart. I love our candles and that's not me bigging up our brand but telling the truth because we made them so. We cared and our care is present in each and everyone.

Thanks for reading the Blog. Please share as we are a small business and unless we support our Artisans the guild crafts will be lost by new technologies and we need to keep those things that are sacred to our hearts.

Love you all  x

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