Why we should support handmade

Why we should support handmade

Hello to the people that already know me and Prettykarma our page and website of handmade creations and welcome to those that are reading this blog now.

I can honestly say this year has been incredibly difficult. Times are hard and people are feeling the pinch financially. Our brand is growing slowly but sometimes and on more than one occasion I have just felt like throwing in the towel. We spend ages creating, perfecting and making beautiful items and wait patiently for a sale on the website. What I didn't realise was that the page had been hacked. The website connections via facebook weren't working, had spent money on advertising that wasn't going where it should and it seems in this day and age of bots and emails. There were not many avenues to fix things that were quite obviously broken. I have a shop that facebook say I cannot view because I am not in the UK...Yet I am. The things that seem easily fixable remain broken and as a hard working woman trying very hard to gain some sort of traction it just seems the odds are stacked against me. I will not give up.

Handmade is a very beautiful concept because truly items made with loving hands are a different kind of special. Our candles contain no parabens and are made to scent your home, using materials that are sourced because they are earth friendly. If we don't support small business then all we have to look forward to is the run of the mill same items, mass produced. 

We do Craft Fairs and have some beautiful customers that return to us to purchase. We are now making fragrance. At Prettykarma we don't do things by half. Our fragrance has the max load possible because I truly don't want to cut corners to save a penny or two. The scents are very similar to the designer brands and at a fraction of the cost. Believe me when I say I always go the extra mile.

Anyway just wanted to say that supporting handmade keeps us going. I love doing what I do and want to continue, so if you could lend your support. Share a post or if you need a gift for someone special then please go and have a look. I will be uploading our Christmas Candles this week.

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